Kiss Pro Flipper von STERN
KISS - eine der erfolgreichsten Hard Rock-Bands der Welt. Die Kostüme der einzelnen Bandmitglieder und insbesondere ihre geschminkten Gesichter machen die Band zum unverwechselbaren Markenzeichen. Jedes Bandmitglied hat eine festgelegte Maske: The Demon, The Starchild, The Spaceman und The Cat. Gene Simmons (The Demon) ist zusätzllich für seine besonders lange Zunge bekannt. Dementsprechend hat Stern Pinball den geschminkten Kopf von Gene Simmons samt seiner langen Zunge als zentrales Spielelement inszeniert.
10 KISS Top Hits:
Hotter Than Hell
Lick It Up
Shout It Out Loud
Detroit Rock City
Calling Dr. Love
Rock & Roll All Night
Love Gun
Love It Loud
Black Diamond
Custom speech from Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons
Full-color high-intensity animated LED music lights
High-fidelity stereo sound effects and music
Original Gene Simmons/Demon head molded toy
K-I-S-S spell-out Targets
Blood-Spitting Demon Bass Solo player experience
Fire-Breathing Demon “God of Thunder” Multiball Event
Flying Starchild “Love Gun” Multiball Event
Main Attractions
Experience the greatest rock show under glass
Custom speech from Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons
Rock with 10 famous tracks performed by "KISS"
Shoot balls under the "Demon's" (Gene) head sculpt for fast ball return action from the spinning disc
Play the "Starchild" (Paul) mini play area, complete the targets and get the ball in the hidden hole
Game Features
Features Spinning disc under the "Demon" for fast ball return action
"Demon" ball trough feeding ball through the "Demon's" head and out of his mouth
Enormous, molded "Demon" head sculpt
Static "Starchild" custom action figure with guitar
"Starchild" mini play area
16 LED iconic progress grid
4 bank "KISS" stand up target bank
4 bank "ARMY" stand up target bank
2 "Lite Lock" stand up targets
Spinning target assembly
Left plastic ramp feeds to chrome left wire ramp
Right plastic ramp that feeds to chrome right wire ramp
"Backstage Pass" ball scoop assembly
2 flippers
4 pop bumpers with iconic images of each band member hot stamped on the top
Newly designed RGB LED pop bumper lighting system
Full-spectrum smooth RGB LED playfield arrow inserts (six)
LED general illumination (white)
Backglass and Art
Art by Kevin O’Connor, the legendary artist of the original iconic "KISS" Pinball.
Uniquely themed hand drawn, translite backglass (concert scene)
Full color - High-definition decal material cabinet with iconic 4 band members images on cabinet sides